LIC “Saglasie” EAD provides you the opportunity to improve your insurance protection. Along with a life insurance policyholder can conclude Additional Accident Insurance which includes additional covers:
- Death due to an accident
- Redused ability or permanent disability due to accident
- Temporary disability due to accident
Insurance payments:
- Death due to an accident - the agreed sum insured
- Reduced ability or permanent disability due to an accident – the amount payable shall be determined as a percentage of the sum insured for permanent disability due to an accident. In the case of 100% permanent disability 150% of the agreed sum insured shall be paid.
- Temporary disability due to an accident – payment depends on the disability period.
- Death due to an accident – beneficiaries specified in the main contract
- Reduced ability or permanent disability due to accident – insured person
- Temporary disability due to accident – insured person
Insurance covers the agreed risks worldwide.
Additional Insurance “Accident” is available as additional insurance to:
- Endowment Life Insurance
- Unit-linked Life Insurance “Fondpolica”
- Unit-linked Life Insurance “Fondpolica with an investment package”
- Term Life Insurance with constant sum insured
Additional Insurance “Accident” can be added and excluded from the main insurance contract as well as the additional covers can be changed during insurance period.